Find in this page some tools (gizmos and python scripts) developed by Gianluca Dentici for Compositing. Some of them are free to download, so feel free to get !
GD_Illuminator is a toolkit which allows you to relight your CG in many different ways. You have 6 kind of lighting and 3 lights for each one. So you may decide which one is more suitable for your shot or even use all of them together. (overall cc, rim lights, fill lights, luminance based lights,normal based lights,3d lights) The tool is entirely based on Color ID pass and is quite good on shots with many CG elements expecially when you don’t have ID passes for all involved elements. I succesfully used this tool on Ridley Scott’s EXODUS. The tool has been developed at MPC-
- GD_illuminator
I Created this gizmo to speed up my comp work during TERMINATOR GENISYS at MPC; The tool uses position/refposition passes and normals (optional), to select an alpha. The selection works along axis and not by using just a point like P_tools or similar gizmos do. By using this tool is really straightforward to perform very precise selections on your CG. Besides, If you decide to use normals, the selection becomes even more precise by giving you an amazing response on your CG bump details. I have used this nice tool on my comps to manage the colors on very tiny parts of the CG robot.
Bushgen is a very nice tool I created while I was working at MPC on Disney’s Jungle Book. We had many shots into the jungle, hence grass everywhere. All the grass in the movie is CG but for some of my shots I needed even more to fill some area up. I did it myself by creating a special tool based on particles and generates random seeds across a selected area. The tool allows also for random moves, curvatures, grass thickness, colors variations and many other parameters. I’m still improving it by creating a less heavy computation version and even more controls (secondary grows of leaves etc.)
FX MACHINE is a Nuke tool able of creating impressive effects like flares, electricity, rays, power rings, galaxies, lasers etc.. The tool includes10 modules (so as tabs): MAIN,CORE,STREAKS,RAYS,GLOW,FLARE,RINGS,LINES,RAIN- BOWS,LENS ARTIFACTS, each one contributing on the final results (look at the images on the left) FX MACHINE is nearly all-in-one tool based on math expressions and Python for the generation of patterns and light effects.
The main tab include 15 effective presets, so the user won't spend too much time on building a new one from scratch and will learn how the construction process works. Gianluca Dentici has used this tool on “Fantastic Beasts and where to find them” and “Assassin’s Creed”
All Rights for written text hereby included in this website and Gianluca Dentici pictures are reserved - Gianluca Dentici 2019